
Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #ifndef ARPACKPP_HH_
7 #define ARPACKPP_HH_
9 /* The embedded Arpack includes have virtual overloaded functions
10  For this file, we shut this warning
11  */
12 #include "basics/warnings/push.h"
15 #include "ARPACK.hh"
16 //classes for complex (general) eigenvalue problems
17 #include <eigensolver/arpackpp/arscomp.h>
18 #include <eigensolver/arpackpp/argcomp.h>
19 //classes for real symmetric (general) eigenvalue problems
20 #include <eigensolver/arpackpp/argsym.h>
22 // Restore warning settings
23 #include "basics/warnings/pop.h"
25 #include "operator.hh"
27 namespace eigensolver {
29  using concepts::Real;
30  using concepts::Cmplx;
35  template<class T>
37  public:
44  OP_(OP) {
45  }
52  template<class F>
53  void multOPx(F* v, F* w) {
54  concepts::Vector<F> vec1(OP_.dimX(), v);
56  OP_(vec1, vec2);
57  for (uint i = 0; i < OP_.dimY(); ++i)
58  w[i] = vec2[i];
59  }
61  private:
63  };
68  template<class T, class U, class V>
70  public:
80  OP_(OP), A_(A), B_(B) {
81  }
83  //FIXME replace for-loop with memcpy
84  //TODO what happens if dimensions don't agree? Exception??
90  template<class S>
91  void multAxp(S* v, S* w) {
92  concepts::Vector<S> vec1(A_.dimX(), v);
93  concepts::Vector<S> vec2(A_.dimY());
94  A_(vec1, vec2);
95  for (uint i = 0; i < A_.dimY(); ++i)
96  w[i] = vec2[i];
97  }
104  template<class S>
105  void multBxp(S* v, S* w) {
106  concepts::Vector<S> vec1(B_.dimX(), v);
107  concepts::Vector<S> vec2(B_.dimY());
108  B_(vec1, vec2);
109  for (uint i = 0; i < B_.dimY(); ++i)
110  w[i] = vec2[i];
111  }
118  template<class S>
119  void multOPx(S* v, S* w) {
120  concepts::Vector<S> vec1(OP_.dimX(), v);
121  concepts::Vector<S> vec2(OP_.dimY());
122  OP_(vec1, vec2);
123  for (uint i = 0; i < OP_.dimY(); ++i)
124  w[i] = vec2[i];
125  }
133  template<class S>
134  void multOPxRegular(S* v, S* w) {
136  concepts::Vector<S> vec1(OP_.dimX(), v);
137  concepts::Vector<S> vec2(A_.dimY());
138  //vec2 = A*v
139  A_(vec1, vec2);
140  //vec1 = OP * vec2 = OP * A * v
141  OP_(vec2, vec1);
142  for (uint i = 0; i < OP_.dimY(); ++i)
143  w[i] = vec1[i];
144  }
146  private:
153  };
160  template<class T>
161  class ArPackppStd: public EigenSolver<concepts::Cmplx> {
162  public:
175  int kmax = 1,
176  concepts::Cmplx sigma = 0.0,
177  Real tol = 0.0,
178  int maxiter = 300) :
179  whichEV_((char *) "LM"),
180  modus_(ArPack<Real>::SHIFTINV),
181  aow_(OP),
183  OP.dimX(), kmax, &aow_, &ArpackStdOperatorWrapper<T>::multOPx, sigma,
184  whichEV_, 0, tol, maxiter),
185  computed_(false) {
186  if (kmax < 1 || kmax > ((int)OP.dimX() - 2))
187  throw conceptsException(concepts::ExceptionBase("number of eigenpairs to be computed has to be larger than or equal to one and smaller than or equal to the dimension of the matrix minus 2"));
188  ;
189  }
190  ;
207  int kmax = 1,
208  char* which = (char*) "LM",
209  Real tol = 0.0,
210  int maxiter = 300) :
211  whichEV_(which),
212  modus_(ArPack<Real>::SHIFTINV),
213  aow_(OP),
215  OP.dimX(), kmax, &aow_, &ArpackStdOperatorWrapper<T>::multOPx,
216  whichEV_, 0, tol, maxiter),
217  computed_(false) {
218  if (kmax < 1 || kmax > ((int)OP.dimX() - 2))
219  throw conceptsException(concepts::ExceptionBase("number of eigenpairs to be computed has to be larger than or equal to one and smaller than or equal to the dimension of the matrix minus 2"));
220  ;
221  }
222  ;
225  virtual ~ArPackppStd() {
226  for (uint i = 0; i < this->arpackSolver_.EigenvectorsFound(); ++i)
227  delete eigenVectors_[i];
228  }
234  virtual const concepts::Array<Cmplx>&
235  getEV() {
236  if (!computed_)
237  compute_();
238  return eigenValues_;
239  }
246  getEF() {
247  if (!computed_)
248  compute_();
249  return eigenVectors_;
250  }
253  virtual uint iterations() const {
254  return iter_;
255  }
258  virtual uint converged() const {
259  return convEigenvalues_;
260  }
264  concepts::Array<Cmplx> res(this->arpackSolver_.RawResidualVector(),
265  this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
266  return res;
267  }
269  protected:
270  virtual std::ostream&
271  info(std::ostream& os) const {
272  os << concepts::typeOf(*this) << "\n";
273  switch (modus_) {
275  os << "regular inverse mode \n";
276  break;
278  os << "shift-invert mode \n";
279  break;
281  os << "normal mode \n";
282  break;
284  os << "shift-invert mode \n";
285  break;
286  }
287  return os;
288  }
290  private:
292  void compute_() {
293  int numOfVecs = this->arpackSolver_.FindEigenvectors();
294  eigenValues_.resize(this->arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues());
296  for (int i = 0; i < this->arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues(); ++i) {
297  eigenValues_[i] = this->arpackSolver_.Eigenvalue(i);
298  }
299  eigenVectors_.resize(this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
300  for (int i = 0; i < numOfVecs; ++i)
302  this->arpackSolver_.GetN(), this->arpackSolver_.RawEigenvectors()
303  + i * this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
305  computed_ = true;
306  iter_ = arpackSolver_.GetIter();
307  convEigenvalues_ = arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues();
308  }
309  ;
312  char* whichEV_;
317  // /// ???
318  //uint n_;
324  ARCompStdEig<Real, ArpackStdOperatorWrapper<T> > arpackSolver_;
327  uint iter_;
333  bool computed_;
341  };
349  class ArPackppSymGen: public EigenSolver<Real> {
351  public:
372  int kmax = 1,
373  Real sigma = 0.1,
374  Real tol = 0.0,
375  int maxiter = 300);
398  ArPackppSymGen(char invertType,
401  int kmax = 1,
402  Real sigma = 0.1,
403  Real tol = 0.0,
404  int maxiter = 300);
406 // /** Regular mode constructor
407 // @param OP multiplication operator, OP * x = inv(B) * x
408 // @param A matrix of the left hand side
409 // @param B matrix of the right hand side
410 // @param kmax number of eigenpairs to be computed, default 1
411 // @param which defines which sort of eigenvalues should be computed, i.e.
412 // eigenvalues of largest magnitude ("LM"), smallest magnitude ("SM"),
413 // largest real part ("LR"), smallest real part ("SR"),
414 // largest imaginary part ("LI") or smallest imaginary part ("SI"), default
415 // "LM"
416 // @param tol convergence tolerance for the eigenpairs, default 0.0 (is
417 // replaced by LAPACK's \c DLAMCH('EPS'))
418 // @param maxiter maximum number of Arnoldi iterations, default 300
419 // @warning \c A has to be real and symmetric.
420 // @warning \c B has to be real, symmetric and positive definite.
421 // @warning \c kmax has to be larger than or equal to 1 and smaller than
422 // or equal to the dimension of the matrix minus 2.
423 // */
424 // ArPackppSymGen(concepts::Operator<Real>& OP,
425 // concepts::Operator<Real>& A,
426 // concepts::Operator<Real>& B,
427 // int kmax = 1,
428 // char* which = (char*) "LM",
429 // Real tol = 0.0,
430 // int maxiter = 300);
433  virtual ~ArPackppSymGen() {
434  for (uint i = 0; i < this->arpackSolver_.EigenvectorsFound(); ++i)
435  delete eigenVectors_[i];
436  }
441  virtual const concepts::Array<Real>&
442  getEV() {
443  if (!computed_)
444  compute_();
445  return eigenValues_;
446  }
452  getEF() {
453  if (!computed_)
454  compute_();
455  return eigenVectors_;
456  }
459  virtual uint iterations() const {
460  return iter_;
461  }
464  virtual uint converged() const {
465  return convEigenvalues_;
466  }
470  concepts::Array<Real> res(this->arpackSolver_.RawResidualVector(),
471  this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
472  return res;
473  }
475  protected:
476  virtual std::ostream& info(std::ostream& os) const {
477  os << concepts::typeOf(*this) << std::endl ;
478  switch (modus_) {
480  os << "regular inverse mode" << std::endl;
481  break;
483  os << "shift-invert mode" << std::endl;
484  break;
486  os << "normal mode" << std::endl;
487  break;
489  os << "shift-invert mode" << std::endl;
490  break;
491  }
492  return os;
493  }
495  private:
498  void compute_();
501  char* whichEV_;
514  // /// ???
515  //uint n_;
518  uint iter_;
524  bool computed_;
532  };
540  template<class F, class G, class H = concepts::Real>
541  class ArPackppGen: public EigenSolver<concepts::Cmplx> {
542  public:
560  int kmax = 1,
561  concepts::Cmplx sigma = 0.0,
562  Real tol = 0.0,
563  int maxiter = 300) :
564  whichEV_((char*) "LM"),
565  modus_(ArPack<Real>::SHIFTINV),
566  aow_(OP, A, B),
568  A.dimX(),
569  kmax,
570  &aow_,
571  &ArpackOperatorWrapper<F, G, H>::multOPx,
572  &aow_,
573  &ArpackOperatorWrapper<F, G, H>::multBxp,
574  sigma,
575  whichEV_,
576  0,
577  tol,
578  maxiter),
579  computed_(false) {
580  if (kmax < 1 || kmax > ((int)OP.dimX() - 2))
581  throw conceptsException(concepts::ExceptionBase("number of eigenpairs to be computed has to be larger than or equal to one and smaller than or equal to the dimension of the matrix minus 2"));
582  ;
583  }
584  ;
606  int kmax = 1,
607  char* which = (char*) "LM",
608  Real tol = 0.0,
609  int maxiter = 300) :
610  whichEV_(which),
611  modus_(ArPack<Real>::SHIFTINV),
612  aow_(OP, A, B),
614  A.dimX(),
615  kmax,
616  &aow_,
617  &ArpackOperatorWrapper<F, G, H>::multOPxRegular,
618  &aow_,
619  &ArpackOperatorWrapper<F, G, H>::multBxp,
620  whichEV_,
621  0,
622  tol,
623  maxiter),
624  computed_(false) {
625  if (kmax < 1 || kmax > ((int)OP.dimX() - 2))
626  throw conceptsException(concepts::ExceptionBase("number of eigenpairs to be computed has to be larger than or equal to one and smaller than or equal to the dimension of the matrix minus 2"));
627  ;
628  }
629  ;
632  virtual ~ArPackppGen() {
633  for (uint i = 0; i < this->arpackSolver_.EigenvectorsFound(); ++i)
634  delete eigenVectors_[i];
635  }
641  virtual const concepts::Array<Cmplx>&
642  getEV() {
643  if (!computed_)
644  compute_();
645  return eigenValues_;
646  }
653  getEF() {
654  if (!computed_)
655  compute_();
656  return eigenVectors_;
657  }
660  virtual uint iterations() const {
661  return iter_;
662  }
665  virtual uint converged() const {
666  return convEigenvalues_;
667  }
671  concepts::Array<Cmplx> res(this->arpackSolver_.RawResidualVector(),
672  this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
673  return res;
674  }
675  protected:
676  virtual std::ostream&
677  info(std::ostream& os) const {
678  os << concepts::typeOf(*this) << std::endl;
679  switch (modus_) {
681  os << "regular inverse mode" << std::endl;
682  break;
684  os << "shift-invert mode" << std::endl;
685  break;
687  os << "normal mode" << std::endl;
688  break;
690  os << "shift-invert mode" << std::endl;
691  break;
692  }
693  return os;
694  }
695  private:
698  void compute_() {
699  int numOfVecs = this->arpackSolver_.FindEigenvectors();
700  eigenValues_.resize(this->arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues());
702  for (int i = 0; i < this->arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues(); ++i) {
703  eigenValues_[i] = this->arpackSolver_.Eigenvalue(i);
704  }
705  eigenVectors_.resize(this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
706  for (int i = 0; i < numOfVecs; ++i)
708  this->arpackSolver_.GetN(), this->arpackSolver_.RawEigenvectors()
709  + i * this->arpackSolver_.GetN());
711  computed_ = true;
712  iter_ = arpackSolver_.GetIter();
713  convEigenvalues_ = arpackSolver_.ConvergedEigenvalues();
714  }
715  ;
718  char* whichEV_;
723  // /// ???
724  //uint n_;
730  ARCompGenEig<Real, ArpackOperatorWrapper<F, G, H> , ArpackOperatorWrapper<
731  F, G, H> > arpackSolver_;
734  uint iter_;
740  bool computed_;
748  };
750 } // namespace eigensolver
752 #endif /* ARPACKPP_HH_ */
Wrapper for general operators and general eigenproblems.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:69
Interafce for eigenvalue solvers.
Definition: eigens.hh:23
void multOPxRegular(S *v, S *w)
Applies the chaining of the operator OP with A and stores the result.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:134
ArpackOperatorWrapper(concepts::Operator< T > &OP, concepts::Operator< U > &A, concepts::Operator< V > &B)
Constructor for the wrapper.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:78
concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Real > * > eigenVectors_
References into storage for eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:530
EigenSolver for complex, standard eigenproblems.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:161
#define conceptsException(exc)
Prepares an exception for throwing.
Definition: exceptions.hh:344
void compute_()
Computes and stores the eigenpairs.
Base class for exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:86
void multAxp(S *v, S *w)
Applies the operator A and stores the result.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:91
ArPackppGen(concepts::Operator< F > &OP, concepts::Operator< G > &A, concepts::Operator< H > &B, int kmax=1, concepts::Cmplx sigma=0.0, Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Shift and invert mode constructor.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:557
virtual uint iterations() const
Returns the actual number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:253
virtual ~ArPackppGen()
Definition: arpackpp.hh:632
concepts::Operator< T > & OP_
Definition: arpackpp.hh:62
ARCompGenEig< Real, ArpackOperatorWrapper< F, G, H >, ArpackOperatorWrapper< F, G, H > > arpackSolver_
Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:731
virtual const uint dimX() const
Returns the size of the image space of the operator (number of rows of the corresponding matrix)
Definition: compositions.hh:93
virtual const concepts::Array< Cmplx > & getEV()
Getter for the computed eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:235
bool computed_
Whether or not eigenpairs have already been computed.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:333
virtual ~ArPackppStd()
Definition: arpackpp.hh:225
concepts::Array< Real > getRESID()
Returns the RESID vector.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:469
virtual uint iterations() const
Returns the actual number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:660
virtual concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Cmplx > * > & getEF()
Getter for the computed eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:246
virtual concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Cmplx > * > & getEF()
Getter for the computed eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:653
concepts::Array< Cmplx > eigenValues_
References into storage for eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:743
ArPackppSymGen(char invertType, concepts::Operator< Real > &OP, concepts::Operator< Real > &A, int kmax=1, Real sigma=0.1, Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Shift and invert mode constructor, buckling and standard mode.
uint iter_
Number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:327
ArpackOperatorWrapper< concepts::Real, concepts::Real, concepts::Real > aow_
Definition: arpackpp.hh:507
uint convEigenvalues_
Number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:737
Wrapper for general operators and standard eigenproblems.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:36
concepts::Array< Cmplx > eigenValues_
References into storage for eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:336
ArPackppSymGen(concepts::Operator< Real > &OP, concepts::Operator< Real > &A, concepts::Operator< Real > &B, int kmax=1, Real sigma=0.1, Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Shift and invert mode constructor, Cayley mode.
void compute_()
Computes and stores the eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:698
concepts::Operator< V > & B_
operator of the right hand side
Definition: arpackpp.hh:152
ArPackppStd(concepts::Operator< T > &OP, int kmax=1, concepts::Cmplx sigma=0.0, Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Shift and invert mode constructor.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:174
virtual uint iterations() const
Returns the actual number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:459
concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Cmplx > * > eigenVectors_
References into storage for eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:339
virtual const concepts::Array< Cmplx > & getEV()
Getter for the computed eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:642
virtual uint converged() const
Returns the number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:665
virtual std::ostream & info(std::ostream &os) const
Returns information in an output stream.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:271
virtual std::ostream & info(std::ostream &os) const
Returns information in an output stream.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:677
ArPack< Real >::modus modus_
Mode of the Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:721
uint iter_
Number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:734
ArpackOperatorWrapper< F, G, H > aow_
Definition: arpackpp.hh:727
void compute_()
Computes and stores the eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:292
char * whichEV_
Identifier indicating which eigenvalues should be calculated.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:309
virtual concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Real > * > & getEF()
Getter for the computed eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:452
ArPackppStd(concepts::Operator< T > &OP, int kmax=1, char *which=(char *) "LM", Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Regular mode constructor.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:206
void multBxp(S *v, S *w)
Applies the operator B and stores the result.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:105
Eigenvalue solver using ARPACK, the routine dnaupd or znaupd.
Definition: ARPACK.hh:70
uint convEigenvalues_
Number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:330
std::complex< Real > Cmplx
Type for a complex number. It also depends on the setting of Real.
Definition: typedefs.hh:39
EigenSolver for symmetric, real-valued, general eigenproblems.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:349
ArpackStdOperatorWrapper(concepts::Operator< T > &OP)
Constructor for the wrapper.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:43
concepts::Operator< T > & OP_
multiplication operator
Definition: arpackpp.hh:148
char * whichEV_
Identifier indicating which eigenvalues should be calculated.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:501
uint iter_
Number of Arnoldi iterations.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:518
virtual uint converged() const
Returns the number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:464
ArpackStdOperatorWrapper< T > aow_
Definition: arpackpp.hh:321
ARSymGenEig< Real, ArpackOperatorWrapper< concepts::Real, concepts::Real, concepts::Real >, ArpackOperatorWrapper< concepts::Real, concepts::Real, concepts::Real > > arpackSolver_
Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:512
void resize(const uint sz)
Resizes the array.
Definition: array.hh:281
bool computed_
Whether or not eigenpairs have already been computed.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:524
concepts::Array< concepts::Vector< Cmplx > * > eigenVectors_
References into storage for eigenvectors.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:746
virtual uint converged() const
Returns the number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:258
char * whichEV_
Identifier indicating which eigenvalues should be calculated.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:715
virtual ~ArPackppSymGen()
Definition: arpackpp.hh:433
concepts::Operator< U > & A_
operator of the left hand side
Definition: arpackpp.hh:150
void multOPx(F *v, F *w)
Applies the operator Op and stores the result.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:53
ArPackppGen(concepts::Operator< F > &OP, concepts::Operator< G > &A, concepts::Operator< H > &B, int kmax=1, char *which=(char *) "LM", Real tol=0.0, int maxiter=300)
Regular mode constructor.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:603
ArPack< Real >::modus modus_
Mode of the Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:504
virtual std::ostream & info(std::ostream &os) const
Returns information in an output stream.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:476
virtual const uint dimY() const
Returns the size of the source space of the operator (number of columns of the corresponding matrix)
Definition: compositions.hh:98
std::string typeOf(const T &t)
Return the typeid name of a class object.
Definition: output.hh:43
ARCompStdEig< Real, ArpackStdOperatorWrapper< T > > arpackSolver_
Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:324
bool computed_
Whether or not eigenpairs have already been computed.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:740
concepts::Array< Cmplx > getRESID()
Returns the RESID vector.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:263
void multOPx(S *v, S *w)
Applies the operator OP and stores the result.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:119
concepts::Array< Cmplx > getRESID()
Returns the RESID vector.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:670
concepts::Array< Real > eigenValues_
References into storage for eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:527
Eigenvalue solvers.
Definition: ARPACK.hh:19
EigenSolver for complex, general eigenproblems.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:541
double Real
Type normally used for a floating point number.
Definition: typedefs.hh:36
ArPack< Real >::modus modus_
Mode of the Arpack solver.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:315
virtual const concepts::Array< Real > & getEV()
Getter for the computed eigenvalues.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:442
uint convEigenvalues_
Number of converged eigenpairs.
Definition: arpackpp.hh:521
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21 August 2020
© 2020 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich