
  1. Introduction
  2. Variational Formulation
  3. Commented Program
  4. Results
  5. Complete Source Code


In this tutorial the implementation of inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions using Lagrangian multipliers is shown.

The equation solved is the reaction-diffusion equation

\[ - \Delta u + u = f \]

in the unit square $ \Omega = (0,1)^2 $ with source term

\[ f(x,y) = -5\exp\left(-(x-1/2)^2-(y-1/2)^2\right) \]

and Dirichlet boundary condition $ u = g $ on the boundary $ \partial\Omega $ of $ \Omega $ where

\[ g = \begin{cases} \sin \pi x, &(x,y)\in\Gamma_{\rm inh}=\{(x,y)\in\partial\Omega\mid y=0\},\\ 0, &(x,y)\in\partial\Omega\setminus\Gamma_{\rm inh}. \end{cases} \]

Variational Formulation

The variational formulation of the reaction-diffusion equation reads: find $ u \in H^1(\Omega) $ that satisfies the boundary conditions and

\[ \int_{\Omega}\nabla u\cdot\nabla v\;{\rm d}x + \int_{\Omega} u\,v\;{\rm d}x - \int_{\partial\Omega} \partial_n u \,v \;{\rm d}s(x) = \int_{\Omega} f\,v\;{\rm d}x, \]

for all $ v \in H^1(\Omega) $. In order to incorporate the boundary conditions into the variational formulation, we introduce the Lagrangian multiplier $ \lambda \in H^{-1/2}(\partial\Omega) $ defined by $ \lambda = \partial_n u $. The space $ H^{-1/2}(\partial\Omega) $ of the Lagrangian multiplier is the dual space of the trace space $ H^{1/2}(\partial\Omega) $ of $ H^1(\Omega) $ on the boundary $ \partial\Omega $. The boundary condition is then incorporated by testing the condition with test functions in the dual space $ H^{-1/2}(\partial\Omega) $. Thus, the mixed variational formulation reads: find $ (u,\lambda)\in H^1(\Omega) \times H^{-1/2}(\partial\Omega) $ such that

\begin{eqnarray*} \int_{\Omega}\nabla u\cdot\nabla v\;{\rm d}x + \int_{\Omega} uv\;{\rm d}x - \int_{\partial\Omega} \lambda \,v \;{\rm d}s(x) &=& \int_{\Omega} f\,v\;{\rm d}x \qquad\forall v\in H^1(\Omega)\\ \int_{\partial\Omega} u \lambda' \;{\rm d}s(x) &=& \int_{\partial\Omega} g \lambda' \;{\rm d}s(x) \qquad\forall \lambda'\in H^{-1/2}(\partial\Omega) \end{eqnarray*}

Commented Program

First, we have to import certain modules from the libconceptspy package.

2 from libconceptspy import concepts
3 from libconceptspy import graphics
4 from libconceptspy import hp1D
5 from libconceptspy import hp2D

In order to use MUMPS as a solver, we need to import MPI

10 from mpi4py import MPI

Main Program

The mesh is read from three files containing the coordinates, the elements and the boundary attributes of the mesh.

16  try:
17  mesh = concepts.Import2dMesh(coord = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareCoordinates.dat",
18  elms = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareElements.dat",
19  boundary = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareEdges.dat"
20  )
21  print ('Mesh:')
22  print (mesh)

In our example, the edges are given the following attributes: 1 (bottom), 2 (right), 3 (top) and 4 (left).

If there is an error reading those files, then an exception error message is returned.

24  except RuntimeError:
25  print("Mesh import error")

else, the mesh is plotted using scaling factor of 100, a greyscale of 1.0 and one point per edge.

28  graphics.MeshEPS_r(msh = mesh, filename = "mesh.eps", scale=100, greyscale=1.0, nPoints=1)

We define a set of attributes of the boundary edges

31  attrBoundaryEdges = concepts.Set_uint()
32  for i in range(1,5):
33  attrBoundaryEdges.insert(i)

The space is built using the mesh, a refinement factor of 2 and a polynomial degree to 3. Then the elements of the space are built and the space is plotted.

37  levelOfRefinement = 2
38  polynomialDegree = 3
39  space = hp2D.hpAdaptiveSpaceH1(msh = mesh, l = levelOfRefinement, p = polynomialDegree)
40  space.rebuild()
41  print('\nSpace:')
42  print (space)
43  graphics.MeshEPS_r(spc = space, filename = "space.eps", scale=100, greyscale=1.0, nPoints=1 )

Now, we build the trace space of our space at the boundary edges

47  TraceSpace = hp2D.TraceSpace(spc = space, edgeAttr = attrBoundaryEdges)
48  print('\nTrace Space:')
49  print (TraceSpace)

and, its corresponding dual space

52  DualSpace = hp1D.DualSpace(TraceSpace.scan())
53  print('\nDual Space:')
54  print (DualSpace)

The right hand side is computed. First we calculate the vector corresponding to the linear form of the source term

58  lform2D = hp2D.Riesz_r(concepts.ParsedFormula_r(formula = "(-5*exp(-(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)-(y-0.5)*(y-0.5)))"))
59  rhs2D = concepts.Vector_r(spc = space, lf = lform2D)
60  print('\nRHS Vector 2D:')
61  print(rhs2D)

then the vector that corresponds to the inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is built

64  lform1D = hp1D.Riesz_r(concepts.ParsedFormula_r(formula = "(sin(pi*x)*cos(pi/2*y))"))
65  rhs1D = concepts.Vector_r(spc = DualSpace, lf = lform1D)
66  print('\nRHS Vector 1D:')
67  print(rhs1D)

and finally, these two vectors are put together in a block vector.

70  ds_dim = DualSpace.dim()
71  spc_dim = space.dim()
72  rhs = concepts.Vector_r(spc_dim + ds_dim)
73[:spc_dim] =[:spc_dim]
74[spc_dim:] =[:ds_dim]
75  print('\nRHS Vector:')
76  print (rhs)

The system matrix is also assembled as a block matrix. First we account for the bilinear forms hp2D.Laplace_r and hp2D.Identity_r that build the upper right block.

80  la = hp2D.Laplace_r()
81  A11 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc = space, bf = la)
82  A11.compress();
83  print('\nSystem Matrix A11:')
84  print(A11)
86  id = hp2D.Identity_r()
87  M11 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc = space, bf = id)
88  M11.compress()
89  print('\nSystem Matrix M11:')
90  print(M11)

Then, the bilinear form hp1D.Identity_r is used to build the remaining two rectangular block matrices M12 and M21 that correspond to the boundary conditions.

93  id1D = hp1D.Identity_r()
94  M12 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spcX = TraceSpace, spcY = DualSpace, bf = id1D)
95  M12.compress()
96  print('\nSystem Matrix M12:')
97  print(M11)
99  M21 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spcX = DualSpace, spcY = TraceSpace, bf = id1D)
100  M21.compress()
101  print('\nSystem Matrix M21:')
102  print(M21)

Finally, the four precomputed matrices A11, M11, M12 and M21 are added into the block system matrix A.

105  A = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc_dim + ds_dim, spc_dim + ds_dim)
106  A11.addInto(A, 1.0)
107  M11.addInto(A, 1.0)
108  M12.addInto(A, -1.0, 0, spc_dim)
109  M21.addInto(A, 1.0, spc_dim, 0)
110  print('\nSystem Matrix A:')
111  print(A)

We solve the equation using a Mumps solver.

115  solver = concepts.Mumps_r(A = A)
116  sol = concepts.Vector_r(dim = spc_dim+ds_dim)
117  solver(fncY = rhs, fncX = sol)
118  print('\nSolver:')
119  print solver

The coefficient vector u of the solution and the coefficient vector lambda of the Lagrangian are read from the solution vector sol.

123  u = concepts.Vector_r(dim = spc_dim)
124  Lambda = concepts.Vector_r(dim = ds_dim)
125[:spc_dim] =[:spc_dim]
126  print('\nSolution u:')
127  print(u)
129[:ds_dim] =[spc_dim:]
130  print('\nLagrangian lambda:')
131  print (Lambda)

Finally, the solution u is stored in 'inhomDirichletLagrange.mat' file using graphics.MatlabBinaryGraphics. To this end, the shape functions are computed on equidistant points using the trapezoidal quadrature rule.

135  hp2D.IntegrableQuad.setTensor( concepts.TRAPEZE, True, 8 )
136  space.recomputeShapefunctions()
137  graphics.MatlabBinaryGraphics(spc = space, filename = "inhomDirichletLagrange", sol = u)


Output of the program:

Mesh: Import2dMesh(ncell = 1)
hpAdaptiveSpaceH1(dim = 169 (V:25, E:80, I:64), nelm = 16)
Trace Space:
TraceSpace(QuadEdgeFirst(EdgeNormalVectorRule()), dim = 169, nelm = 16)
Dual Space:
DualSpace(dim = 48, nelm = 16)
RHS Vector 2D:
Vector(169, [-5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -2.708292e-01, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -6.523089e-03, -2.436833e-04, -2.436833e-04, -9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.879265e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -2.759145e-04, -9.199187e-05, -3.436544e-06, -3.061031e-01, -2.879265e-01, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -8.362783e-03, -1.041593e-04, -1.041593e-04, -1.297316e-06, -1.296912e-01, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -7.385877e-03, -9.199187e-05, -2.759145e-04, -3.436544e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.708292e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -2.759145e-04, 9.199187e-05, 3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -6.523089e-03, -2.436833e-04, 2.436833e-04, 9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.879265e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -9.199187e-05, 2.759145e-04, 3.436544e-06, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -8.362783e-03, -1.041593e-04, 1.041593e-04, 1.297316e-06, -2.708292e-01, -2.879265e-01, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -8.362783e-03, 1.041593e-04, 1.041593e-04, -1.297316e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -7.385877e-03, 9.199187e-05, 2.759145e-04, -3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -6.523089e-03, 2.436833e-04, 2.436833e-04, -9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -7.385877e-03, 2.759145e-04, 9.199187e-05, -3.436544e-06, -2.708292e-01, -1.219900e-01, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -7.385877e-03, 9.199187e-05, -2.759145e-04, 3.436544e-06, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -8.362783e-03, 1.041593e-04, -1.041593e-04, 1.297316e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -7.385877e-03, 2.759145e-04, -9.199187e-05, 3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -6.523089e-03, 2.436833e-04, -2.436833e-04, 9.103287e-06])
RHS Vector 1D:
Vector(48, [ 1.960099e-03, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.853134e-01, -9.727886e-04, -1.320752e-04, 2.620727e-01, -2.348519e-03, -5.470734e-05, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.853134e-01, -2.348519e-03, 5.470734e-05, 1.960099e-03, 2.864357e-17, -7.696566e-20, 4.296913e-22, -9.727886e-04, 1.320752e-04, 2.192284e-17, -6.524834e-20, 1.223657e-21, 1.186456e-17, -4.359754e-20, 1.831332e-21, 1.506967e-19, 1.134717e-17, -5.956612e-20, -8.087273e-21, -1.530942e-20, 2.160204e-21, 1.604733e-17, -1.438053e-19, -3.349858e-21, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.134717e-17, -1.438053e-19, 3.349858e-21, 1.200215e-19, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, -5.956612e-20, 8.087273e-21])
RHS Vector:
Vector(217, [-5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -2.708292e-01, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -6.523089e-03, -2.436833e-04, -2.436833e-04, -9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.879265e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -2.759145e-04, -9.199187e-05, -3.436544e-06, -3.061031e-01, -2.879265e-01, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -8.362783e-03, -1.041593e-04, -1.041593e-04, -1.297316e-06, -1.296912e-01, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -7.385877e-03, -9.199187e-05, -2.759145e-04, -3.436544e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.708292e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -2.759145e-04, 9.199187e-05, 3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -6.523089e-03, -2.436833e-04, 2.436833e-04, 9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.879265e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -7.385877e-03, -9.199187e-05, 2.759145e-04, 3.436544e-06, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -8.362783e-03, -1.041593e-04, 1.041593e-04, 1.297316e-06, -2.708292e-01, -2.879265e-01, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -5.059520e-02, -6.301685e-04, -8.362783e-03, 1.041593e-04, 1.041593e-04, -1.297316e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -7.385877e-03, 9.199187e-05, 2.759145e-04, -3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.219900e-01, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, -7.072544e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -6.523089e-03, 2.436833e-04, 2.436833e-04, -9.103287e-06, -1.296912e-01, -2.143641e-02, -2.669927e-04, -4.468487e-02, -1.669295e-03, -7.385877e-03, 2.759145e-04, 9.199187e-05, -3.436544e-06, -2.708292e-01, -1.219900e-01, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -7.385877e-03, 9.199187e-05, -2.759145e-04, 3.436544e-06, -4.759082e-02, 5.927486e-04, -8.362783e-03, 1.041593e-04, -1.041593e-04, 1.297316e-06, -1.219900e-01, -2.143641e-02, 2.669927e-04, -4.203145e-02, -1.570171e-03, -7.385877e-03, 2.759145e-04, -9.199187e-05, 3.436544e-06, -5.494815e-02, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -1.893229e-02, 7.072544e-04, -6.523089e-03, 2.436833e-04, -2.436833e-04, 9.103287e-06, 1.960099e-03, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.853134e-01, -9.727886e-04, -1.320752e-04, 2.620727e-01, -2.348519e-03, -5.470734e-05, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.853134e-01, -2.348519e-03, 5.470734e-05, 1.960099e-03, 2.864357e-17, -7.696566e-20, 4.296913e-22, -9.727886e-04, 1.320752e-04, 2.192284e-17, -6.524834e-20, 1.223657e-21, 1.186456e-17, -4.359754e-20, 1.831332e-21, 1.506967e-19, 1.134717e-17, -5.956612e-20, -8.087273e-21, -1.530942e-20, 2.160204e-21, 1.604733e-17, -1.438053e-19, -3.349858e-21, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 1.134717e-17, -1.438053e-19, 3.349858e-21, 1.200215e-19, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, -5.956612e-20, 8.087273e-21])
System Matrix A11:
SparseMatrix(169x169, HashedSparseMatrix: 1785 (6.24978%) entries bound.)
System Matrix M11:
SparseMatrix(169x169, HashedSparseMatrix: 2809 (9.83509%) entries bound.)
System Matrix M12:
SparseMatrix(169x169, HashedSparseMatrix: 2809 (9.83509%) entries bound.)
System Matrix M21:
SparseMatrix(48x169, HashedSparseMatrix: 112 (1.38067%) entries bound.)
System Matrix A:
SparseMatrix(217x217, HashedSparseMatrix: 3033 (6.44099%) entries bound.)
Mumps(n = 217)
Solution u:
Vector(169, [-3.843730e-05, 7.069574e-01, 1.145216e-01, 2.745231e-17, 1.167346e-01, 1.849053e-02, -2.470302e-01, 1.513115e-02, -3.521483e-02, 1.222784e-02, -1.767987e-16, -1.300331e-16, -1.010858e-01, 1.657205e-02, 9.822506e-03, -6.715120e-03, 9.997888e-01, 1.865335e-01, 2.818223e-01, 7.659027e-03, -3.290883e-01, 1.852945e-02, 6.508946e-02, -4.285731e-03, -8.302083e-02, 4.354588e-03, -1.070311e-03, 3.682207e-04, -1.390846e-01, -1.183699e-01, -1.754996e-01, 7.990479e-03, -2.459961e-02, 2.422382e-03, -1.271322e-01, -5.897441e-03, -4.730355e-02, 2.067389e-03, -6.100085e-04, -3.252949e-05, 8.392560e-18, -7.963128e-02, 6.484164e-03, -6.632734e-17, -6.022298e-17, -2.783892e-02, 1.551738e-03, -3.120827e-03, 2.829607e-04, 7.069574e-01, 1.145216e-01, 2.818223e-01, -7.659027e-03, -2.470302e-01, 1.513115e-02, 6.508946e-02, -4.285731e-03, -8.302083e-02, 4.354588e-03, 1.070311e-03, -3.682207e-04, -3.843730e-05, 1.337389e-16, 1.167346e-01, -1.849053e-02, -2.204895e-17, -2.867429e-17, -3.521483e-02, 1.222784e-02, -1.010858e-01, 1.657205e-02, -9.822506e-03, 6.715120e-03, 9.411970e-17, -1.183699e-01, -1.148842e-16, 7.434135e-17, -7.963128e-02, 6.484164e-03, -1.271322e-01, -5.897441e-03, -2.783892e-02, 1.551738e-03, 3.120827e-03, -2.829607e-04, -2.459961e-02, 2.422382e-03, -4.730355e-02, 2.067389e-03, 6.100085e-04, 3.252949e-05, -1.455747e-01, -1.813021e-01, -8.576168e-02, 1.351167e-03, -3.808912e-02, -1.479664e-03, -1.169903e-01, -2.261285e-03, -3.094120e-02, 7.818221e-04, 1.733609e-04, -1.052648e-04, 5.297275e-17, 4.508856e-17, -3.546363e-17, -7.793839e-02, 5.447318e-03, -2.107821e-02, -3.758636e-04, 2.052405e-03, 1.006130e-04, -3.516085e-17, 4.849705e-17, -6.076754e-18, -6.568048e-18, -9.181996e-18, 5.938771e-18, -9.353945e-02, 2.845041e-03, -7.477510e-02, -1.400772e-02, -1.402845e-02, -7.228221e-03, 6.720056e-17, -1.363958e-19, 1.186490e-17, -1.120372e-01, 1.162147e-03, -1.943362e-02, 1.840870e-03, -6.726377e-04, 1.466294e-04, -1.455747e-01, -7.018279e-18, -8.576168e-02, 1.351167e-03, -7.793839e-02, 5.447318e-03, 7.994743e-17, -2.645529e-18, -2.107821e-02, -3.758636e-04, -2.052405e-03, -1.006130e-04, -3.808912e-02, -1.479664e-03, -3.094120e-02, 7.818221e-04, -1.733609e-04, 1.052648e-04, 4.682683e-17, -1.640647e-17, 1.921618e-17, -9.353945e-02, 2.845041e-03, -1.943362e-02, 1.840870e-03, 6.726377e-04, -1.466294e-04, 3.588635e-17, 2.192255e-18, -4.324464e-18, 2.505082e-17, -1.383750e-17, -7.477510e-02, -1.400772e-02, 1.402845e-02, 7.228221e-03])
Lagrangian lambda:
Vector(48, [-2.599760e-01, -3.564760e-01, 5.334279e+00, -3.591746e+00, 3.312759e+00, -2.286376e+00, 8.518971e+00, 4.523683e+00, -2.194781e+00, 2.776326e+00, 7.677355e-01, -1.142425e+00, 2.714910e+00, 3.312759e+00, -2.194781e+00, -2.776326e+00, -2.599760e-01, -3.564760e-01, 5.334279e+00, -3.591746e+00, -2.286376e+00, -8.518971e+00, 7.677355e-01, -1.142425e+00, 2.714910e+00, 8.660466e-01, -7.911928e-01, 2.372638e-01, 4.703880e-01, 9.287585e-01, 2.710241e-01, 5.898491e-01, 1.557665e-01, -4.119058e-01, 1.152213e+00, -4.279965e-01, 5.506984e-01, 8.660466e-01, -7.911928e-01, 2.372638e-01, 9.287585e-01, -4.279965e-01, -5.506984e-01, 4.703880e-01, 1.557665e-01, -4.119058e-01, 2.710241e-01, -5.898491e-01])

Matlab plot of the solution: Matlab output

@section complete Complete Source Code
1 # import modules from package
2 from libconceptspy import concepts
3 from libconceptspy import graphics
4 from libconceptspy import hp1D
5 from libconceptspy import hp2D
7 import os
8 from sys import exit
9 from mpi4py import MPI
13 def main():
14  try:
15  mesh = concepts.Import2dMesh(coord = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareCoordinates.dat",
16  elms = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareElements.dat",
17  boundary = SOURCEDIR + "/applications/unitsquareEdges.dat"
18  )
19  print ('Mesh:')
20  print (mesh)
21  except RuntimeError:
22  print("Mesh import error")
23  else:
24  graphics.MeshEPS_r(msh = mesh, filename = "mesh.eps", scale=100, greyscale=1.0, nPoints=1)
26  attrBoundaryEdges = concepts.Set_uint()
27  for i in range(1,5):
28  attrBoundaryEdges.insert(i)
31  levelOfRefinement = 2
32  polynomialDegree = 3
33  space = hp2D.hpAdaptiveSpaceH1(msh = mesh, l = levelOfRefinement, p = polynomialDegree)
34  space.rebuild()
35  print('\nSpace:')
36  print (space)
37  graphics.MeshEPS_r(spc = space, filename = "space.eps", scale=100, greyscale=1.0, nPoints=1 )
40  TraceSpace = hp2D.TraceSpace(spc = space, edgeAttr = attrBoundaryEdges)
41  print('\nTrace Space:')
42  print (TraceSpace)
44  DualSpace = hp1D.DualSpace(TraceSpace.scan())
45  print('\nDual Space:')
46  print (DualSpace)
49  lform2D = hp2D.Riesz_r(concepts.ParsedFormula_r(formula = "(-5*exp(-(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)-(y-0.5)*(y-0.5)))"))
50  rhs2D = concepts.Vector_r(spc = space, lf = lform2D)
51  print('\nRHS Vector 2D:')
52  print(rhs2D)
54  lform1D = hp1D.Riesz_r(concepts.ParsedFormula_r(formula = "(sin(pi*x)*cos(pi/2*y))"))
55  rhs1D = concepts.Vector_r(spc = DualSpace, lf = lform1D)
56  print('\nRHS Vector 1D:')
57  print(rhs1D)
59  ds_dim = DualSpace.dim()
60  spc_dim = space.dim()
61  rhs = concepts.Vector_r(spc_dim + ds_dim)
62[:spc_dim] =[:spc_dim]
63[spc_dim:] =[:ds_dim]
64  print('\nRHS Vector:')
65  print (rhs)
68  la = hp2D.Laplace_r()
69  A11 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc = space, bf = la)
70  A11.compress();
71  print('\nSystem Matrix A11:')
72  print(A11)
74  id = hp2D.Identity_r()
75  M11 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc = space, bf = id)
76  M11.compress()
77  print('\nSystem Matrix M11:')
78  print(M11)
80  id1D = hp1D.Identity_r()
81  M12 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spcX = TraceSpace, spcY = DualSpace, bf = id1D)
82  M12.compress()
83  print('\nSystem Matrix M12:')
84  print(M11)
86  M21 = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spcX = DualSpace, spcY = TraceSpace, bf = id1D)
87  M21.compress()
88  print('\nSystem Matrix M21:')
89  print(M21)
91  A = concepts.SparseMatrix_r(spc_dim + ds_dim, spc_dim + ds_dim)
92  A11.addInto(A, 1.0)
93  M11.addInto(A, 1.0)
94  M12.addInto(A, -1.0, 0, spc_dim)
95  M21.addInto(A, 1.0, spc_dim, 0)
96  print('\nSystem Matrix A:')
97  print(A)
100  solver = concepts.Mumps_r(A = A)
101  sol = concepts.Vector_r(dim = spc_dim+ds_dim)
102  solver(fncY = rhs, fncX = sol)
103  print('\nSolver:')
104  print solver
107  u = concepts.Vector_r(dim = spc_dim)
108  Lambda = concepts.Vector_r(dim = ds_dim)
109[:spc_dim] =[:spc_dim]
110  print('\nSolution u:')
111  print(u)
113[:ds_dim] =[spc_dim:]
114  print('\nLagrangian lambda:')
115  print (Lambda)
118  hp2D.IntegrableQuad.setTensor( concepts.TRAPEZE, True, 8 )
119  space.recomputeShapefunctions()
120  graphics.MatlabBinaryGraphics(spc = space, filename = "inhomDirichletLagrange", sol = u)
122 if __name__ == "__main__":
123  main()
void hpAdaptiveSpaceH1(hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 &spc, std::string str)
Builds the trace space of an FE space.
Definition: traces.hh:52
Class for a dual space to a continuous FE space on edges.
Definition: dualSpace.hh:29
Class that allows to store graphical infomations in .mat files to use them in Matlab.
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21 August 2020
© 2020 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich