
Go to the documentation of this file.
294 string author "(empty)"
295 string comment "(empty)"
296 string title "(empty)"
297 int gauss_p 1
298 int level 3
299 end
300 // output starts here
301 double exEnergie 0.0246385
302 array double energieFehler {
303  1 0.100759
304  2 0.0318543
305 }
306 array double h {
307  1 0.5
308  2 0.25
309 }
310 array double maxNodalFehler {
311  1 0.0644745
312  2 0.0464661
313 } @endcode
315  Error diagrams:
316  <img src="linearFEM1d-conv.png" width="640" height="480" alt="error diagram">
317  The diagram above was created using the following commands: @code
318 set logscale x
319 set logscale y
320 set grid
321 set grid mxtics
322 set grid mytics
323 set key top left
324 set xlabel 'h'
325 set ylabel 'error'
326 plot 'linearFEM1d-1.gnuplot' using 3:2 title 'relative energy error, gauss_p = 1', \
327  '' using 3:4 title 'max nodal error, gauss_p = 1', \
328  'linearFEM1d-2.gnuplot' using 3:2 title 'relative energy error, gauss_p = 2', \
329  '' using 3:4 title 'max nodal error, gauss_p = 2' @endcode
331  Exact and numerical solution:
332  <img src="linearFEM1d-solution.png" width="640" height="480"
333  alt="exact and numerical solution">
334  The diagram above was created using the following commands: @code
335 set xlabel 'x'
336 set ylabel 'u(x)'
337 set key bottom left
338 plot 'solution1d-1.gnuplot', 'solution1d-2.gnuplot', 'solution1d-3.gnuplot', -3.0*cosh(x)/cosh(1.0)+x*x+2.0 @endcode
340  @section complete Complete Source Code
341  @author Philipp Frauenfelder, 2004
342 */
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21 August 2020
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