concepts::ElementMatrix< F > Member List

This is the complete list of members for concepts::ElementMatrix< F >, including all inherited members.

add(const ElementMatrix< F > &A, uint offm=0, uint offn=0)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
col() constconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
compress(const Real threshold=EPS)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
ElementMatrix(const uint m=0, const uint n=0)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
ElementMatrix(const uint m, const uint n, const F *data)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
getIndex() constconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
i_concepts::ElementMatrix< F >private
info(std::ostream &os) constconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >
operator F*()concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
operator()(const uint i, const uint j) constconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
operator()(const uint i, const uint j)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
operator*=(const F n)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
operator=(const ElementMatrixBase< F > &A)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
operator=(const ElementMatrix< G > &other)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
operator=(const F &v)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inlinevirtual
resize(uint m, uint n)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >virtual
row() constconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
setIndex(int i)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
setTranspose(bool t)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
transpose()concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
value_type typedefconcepts::ElementMatrix< F >
writeColumn(uint col, const Point< F, dim > &val)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
writeColumn(uint col, const Array< F > &val)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
writeColumn(uint col, const F val)concepts::ElementMatrix< F >
zeros()concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inline
~ElementMatrix()concepts::ElementMatrix< F >inlinevirtual
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21 August 2020
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