Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NaglowavUsed for the aglowav classes for the boundary element method
 Naglowav2Used for the aglowav2 classes for the boundary element method
 NbemUsed for the basic classes of the boundary element method
 NclusterUsed for the cluster classes for the boundary element method
 NconceptsBasic namespace for Concepts-2
 NconstraintsEssential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints [1]
 NeigensolverEigenvalue solvers
 Nhp1D1D hp-FEM
 Nhp2D2D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements
 Nhp2DedgeHp 2D edge elements for electromagnetics
 Nhp3D3D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements
 NlinDG1DDG FEM for 1D problems using piecewise linear shape functions
 NlinDG2DDG FEM for 2D problems using piecewise linear shape functions
 NlinDG3DDG-FEM methods to solve elliptic and hyperbolic PDE's
 NlinearFEMLinear FEM in 1D, 2D and 3D
 NsparseqrSparseQR solver
 NtestUnit tests
 NtimesteppingTimestepping methods used to solve PDEs in time and space
 NvectorialVector valued problems
 CCube$[0,a] \times [0,b] \times [0,c]$ in one hexahedron
 CCube2[0,1]3 in two hexahedra
 CCube3$[-1,1] \times [0,1] \times [0,5]$ in two hexahedra
 CResourceTimerMore precise timer
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21 August 2020
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