alglibmisc.h File Reference

#include "ap.h"
#include "alglibinternal.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  alglib::_hqrndstate_owner
class  alglib::_kdtree_owner
class  alglib::_kdtreerequestbuffer_owner
class  alglib::_xdebugrecord1_owner
class  alglib::hqrndstate
struct  alglib_impl::hqrndstate
class  alglib::kdtree
struct  alglib_impl::kdtree
class  alglib::kdtreerequestbuffer
struct  alglib_impl::kdtreerequestbuffer
class  alglib::xdebugrecord1
struct  alglib_impl::xdebugrecord1




void alglib_impl::_hqrndstate_clear (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_hqrndstate_destroy (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_hqrndstate_init (void *_p, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_hqrndstate_init_copy (void *_dst, void *_src, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_kdtree_clear (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_kdtree_destroy (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_kdtree_init (void *_p, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_kdtree_init_copy (void *_dst, void *_src, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_kdtreerequestbuffer_clear (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_kdtreerequestbuffer_destroy (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_kdtreerequestbuffer_init (void *_p, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_kdtreerequestbuffer_init_copy (void *_dst, void *_src, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_xdebugrecord1_clear (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_xdebugrecord1_destroy (void *_p)
void alglib_impl::_xdebugrecord1_init (void *_p, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::_xdebugrecord1_init_copy (void *_dst, void *_src, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::hqrndcontinuous (const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double alglib_impl::hqrndcontinuous (hqrndstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::hqrnddiscrete (const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double alglib_impl::hqrnddiscrete (hqrndstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::hqrndexponential (const hqrndstate &state, const double lambdav)
double alglib_impl::hqrndexponential (hqrndstate *state, double lambdav, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::hqrndnormal (const hqrndstate &state)
double alglib_impl::hqrndnormal (hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::hqrndnormal2 (const hqrndstate &state, double &x1, double &x2)
void alglib_impl::hqrndnormal2 (hqrndstate *state, double *x1, double *x2, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::hqrndrandomize (hqrndstate &state)
void alglib_impl::hqrndrandomize (hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::hqrndseed (ae_int_t s1, ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::hqrndseed (const ae_int_t s1, const ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate &state)
ae_int_t alglib::hqrnduniformi (const hqrndstate &state, const ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::hqrnduniformi (hqrndstate *state, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::hqrnduniformr (const hqrndstate &state)
double alglib_impl::hqrnduniformr (hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::hqrndunit2 (const hqrndstate &state, double &x, double &y)
void alglib_impl::hqrndunit2 (hqrndstate *state, double *x, double *y, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreealloc (ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreebuild (ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreebuild (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void alglib::kdtreebuild (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void alglib_impl::kdtreebuildtagged (ae_matrix *xy, ae_vector *tags, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged (const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged (const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void alglib::kdtreecreaterequestbuffer (const kdtree &kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer &buf)
void alglib_impl::kdtreecreaterequestbuffer (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeexplorebox (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *boxmin, ae_vector *boxmax, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeexploreleaf (kdtree *kdt, ae_int_t node, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t *k, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeexplorenodetype (kdtree *kdt, ae_int_t node, ae_int_t *nodetype, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeexploresplit (kdtree *kdt, ae_int_t node, ae_int_t *d, double *s, ae_int_t *nodele, ae_int_t *nodege, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const double eps)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const double eps)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreequeryaknn (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, double eps, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequerybox (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &boxmin, const real_1d_array &boxmax)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreequerybox (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *boxmin, ae_vector *boxmax, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreequeryknn (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistances (const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsdistances (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi (const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstags (const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultstags (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *tags, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstagsi (const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultstagsi (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *tags, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsx (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsx (kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxi (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxi (kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxy (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxy (kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *xy, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxyi (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy)
void alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxyi (kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *xy, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreequeryrnn (kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, double r, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeserialize (ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreeserialize (kdtree &obj, std::ostream &s_out)
void alglib::kdtreeserialize (kdtree &obj, std::string &s_out)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const double eps)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const double eps)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryaknn (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, double eps, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsquerybox (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &boxmin, const real_1d_array &boxmax)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreetsquerybox (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *boxmin, ae_vector *boxmax, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryknn (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreetsqueryresultsdistances (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_1d_array &r)
void alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryresultsdistances (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreetsqueryresultstags (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, integer_1d_array &tags)
void alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryresultstags (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *tags, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreetsqueryresultsx (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_2d_array &x)
void alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryresultsx (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreetsqueryresultsxy (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_2d_array &xy)
void alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryresultsxy (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_matrix *xy, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r)
ae_int_t alglib::kdtreetsqueryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::kdtreetsqueryrnn (kdtree *kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer *buf, ae_vector *x, double r, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
void alglib_impl::kdtreeunserialize (ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::kdtreeunserialize (const std::istream &s_in, kdtree &obj)
void alglib::kdtreeunserialize (const std::string &s_in, kdtree &obj)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb1appendcopy (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb1appendcopy (boolean_1d_array &a)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::xdebugb1count (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::xdebugb1count (const boolean_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb1not (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb1not (const boolean_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb1outeven (ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb1outeven (const ae_int_t n, boolean_1d_array &a)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::xdebugb2count (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::xdebugb2count (const boolean_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb2not (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb2not (const boolean_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb2outsin (ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb2outsin (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, boolean_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugb2transpose (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugb2transpose (boolean_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc1appendcopy (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc1appendcopy (complex_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc1neg (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc1neg (const complex_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc1outeven (ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc1outeven (const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &a)
ae_complex alglib_impl::xdebugc1sum (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
alglib::complex alglib::xdebugc1sum (const complex_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc2neg (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc2neg (const complex_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc2outsincos (ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc2outsincos (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &a)
ae_complex alglib_impl::xdebugc2sum (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
alglib::complex alglib::xdebugc2sum (const complex_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugc2transpose (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugc2transpose (complex_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi1appendcopy (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi1appendcopy (integer_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi1neg (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi1neg (const integer_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi1outeven (ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi1outeven (const ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array &a)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::xdebugi1sum (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::xdebugi1sum (const integer_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi2neg (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi2neg (const integer_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi2outsin (ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi2outsin (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, integer_2d_array &a)
ae_int_t alglib_impl::xdebugi2sum (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t alglib::xdebugi2sum (const integer_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugi2transpose (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugi2transpose (integer_2d_array &a)
void alglib::xdebuginitrecord1 (xdebugrecord1 &rec1)
void alglib_impl::xdebuginitrecord1 (xdebugrecord1 *rec1, ae_state *_state)
double alglib_impl::xdebugmaskedbiasedproductsum (ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_matrix *b, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::xdebugmaskedbiasedproductsum (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const real_2d_array &b, const boolean_2d_array &c)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr1appendcopy (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr1appendcopy (real_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr1neg (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr1neg (const real_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr1outeven (ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr1outeven (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &a)
double alglib_impl::xdebugr1sum (ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::xdebugr1sum (const real_1d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr2neg (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr2neg (const real_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr2outsin (ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr2outsin (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &a)
double alglib_impl::xdebugr2sum (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
double alglib::xdebugr2sum (const real_2d_array &a)
void alglib_impl::xdebugr2transpose (ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
void alglib::xdebugr2transpose (real_2d_array &a)
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21 August 2020
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